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Jul 4, 2014, 3:00 PM
Designing a beautiful website that is pleasing to the client takes multiple steps. The design of the site is very important and designers will naturally want to make the site aesthetically pleasing, but the highest priority should be to meet the needs of the client.
Jul 1, 2014, 12:00 PM
Clients often ask us, “After you are done building our web site, will it be number one on Google”? We get this question with almost every website proposal we complete. More often then not, we don’t have the answer. Only Google knows ...
  • July 04, 2014
    Designing a beautiful website that is pleasing to the client takes multiple steps. The design of the site is very important and designers will naturally want to make the site aesthetically pleasing, but the highest priority should be to meet the needs of the client.
  • July 01, 2014
    Clients often ask us, “After you are done building our web site, will it be number one on Google”? We get this question with almost every website proposal we complete. More often then not, we don’t have the answer. Only Google knows ...